Who are 4th Recon Veterans?

Marines that trace their linage back to WWII

Marines with Almost 30 years of Deployments

Marines with Over 20 Deployments in 20 years

Marines with Multiple Combat Deployments

Where did we come from?

Marines of 4th Recon Battalion have a long history of answering the call of our country. Marines of 4th Recon Battalion can trace our lineage back to company D scout platoon, 4th Marine Tank Battalion, 4th Marine division during WWII. Fighting in Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Tinian, Saipan, and Iwo Jima.

During the Korean conflict, Marines and Sailors from 4th Recon Battalion were activated out of San Antonio, TX, and joined the mobilization via troop train to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California in July 1950.

In 2003 4th Recon Battalion started its cycle of deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. With different deployments types and sizes, 4th Recon Battalion has been a stand-alone unit and/or attached to other recon battalions/force platoons for the last 20 years. Marines and Sailors of 4th Recon Battalion have served with distinction, bringing a unique mindset to the battlefield.

What do the 4th Recon Veterans do?

4th Recon Veterans assist current and former Marines and Sailors of Fourth Reconnaissance Battalion and their families to build meaningful lives by use of peer engagement to connect them with resources and veteran benefits to improve their health and wellness.

VA Disability Filling

The process of getting your VA paperwork together can be daunting. Don’t worry, we will help you break it down Barney style. We are not going to file for you, but can assist you in the process.

Substance Abuse

If you or someone you love is having problems with drugs or alcohol, we can help. Reach out and let us know how we assist in your road to recovery. Your privacy is our top concern.

PTSD Assistance

Is it getting the best of you? Maybe you just need some tools to help process some of the “crazy” in your head. We know what you are going through and can help.

Marriage Assistance

Like many other Marines and Sailors, sometimes we just can’t seem to get it right with our marriages. Don’t wait till it’s past the point of no return, let’s see how we can help.

Outdoor Adventure

We partner with organizations to send members on outdoor adventures to help focus your mind on what is important. If this sounds like something you need, let us know.

Financial Assistance

Emergencies happen all the time. If you had something happen and need help, let us know what’s going on and what we can do to help. Your privacy is our top concern.

How can you help 4th Recon Veterans keep our veterans above water?

Assist with a monetary donation (can be specific to a certain type of outreach).

Be a sponsor for a treatment or facility

Donation of Items to assist in facilitating reunions and or raffles.

Donation of facilities to hold reunions and or meetings.

Donation of outdoor adventure events.

We are always looking for new Ideas/ways to support.

Thank you for talking the time to check out our website, we look forward to exceding your expectations.

— 4th Recon Veterans

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